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EAST Group Update, March 2021


Spring is coming and with it lots of work for Fridaywood Farm Volunteers, we are reopening the workshop from 29th March!

This date and restrictions remain subject to government virus control regulations

After discussions by the EAST Group committee and consultation with the L&BR Trust, we have decided that the initial opening will be in the same way that we operated last October.

Please book your attendance with Dave Ely (07473-655322). Dave must ensure that no more than 2 volunteers are in the workshop at any time, so booking is essential. We will be operating a traceability system so signing in is even more important now.

Remember that shops and cafés will not be open, so bring sandwiches and a flask. The toilets at Fridaywood Farm are open; we recommend that you bring sanitising wipes.

Sanitising hand gel is available in the workshop. The rules for this initial reopening are attached overleaf:

This corresponds with Step 1B in the Government programme of reduction of restrictions. The next relaxation is Step 2 on 12th April, which is the planned re-opening of the railway, the ‘rule of 6’ will still apply. Step 3 on 17th May removes the rule of 6 and pubs and restaurants open for indoor use. Full relaxation is scheduled for 21st June.

If you feel able to attend and help with the rebuild of Van 23 you will be most welcome. If you don’t feel able to help at the moment, don’t worry, your time will come.

Status of Van 23

We have all the timber required for the sole bars, cant rails, framing, roof and panelling of Van 23. The softwoods have been treated with 3 coats of wood preservative and are ready for painting, two coats of primer and two coats of undercoat.

Our initial work will be painting the roof boarding and panelling.

We have complete drawings for the underframe, which is being fabricated at Woody Bay. The bogies have been modified. The brake gear and couplings have been ordered.

Building will commence on stillages, so that the underframe can be run under the body when it is delivered.

Reopening of the L&BR Trust's Carriage Workshop to Volunteers

The following rules are instituted to cope with Covid-19 will apply until further notice.

1. If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 after attending the workshop, you must not return to the workshop and, after taking medical advice, inform David Ely, Steve Arthurs, or Charles Summers of the date when you last visited the site.

2. During Step 2B, Volunteers are restricted to a maximum of 2 persons per day and must book their day with David Ely (phone No 07473-655322) beforehand.

3. On arrival, Volunteers should sign-in and report to David Ely who will allocate their task and work area. Volunteers must keep 2 metres away from anyone else.

4. Occasionally David or another Volunteer may require assistance with moving a heavy or awkward item. If this means that a distance of 2 metres is cannot be maintained, then a face mask and gloves will be required during this activity (bring your own).

5. The Mess room is out of bounds to all Volunteers, It is reserved for the use of David Ely only. Volunteers should bring a vacuum flask or other drink for their own use and their own mug. If bringing sandwiches, chairs are available for sitting outside or by the main door keeping 2 metres distance.

6. The toilets on site are used by all people working on the farm and units. If you need to use these facilities, we recommend that you bring sanitising wipes and use the sanitiser provided in the workshop with each visit and when arriving and leaving.

7. Please use these rules to protect yourself and others.

Charles Summers


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