Following discussions between our Chairman Mike Dee and Tony Ely the EAST Committee meeting to be held on Saturday 5th January 2013 has now been re-scheduled to start at 11am and conclude at 1pm. The venue remains The Wagon & Horses at Great Yeldham, Essex where pre-ordered food will be served from 1pm.
Tony plans to be on-site at the Carriage Restoration Workshop from 8.45am on Saturday 5th January. The Restoration Workshop will re-open for normal volunteer work days from 8th January 2013.
All Members of the EAST Area Group are invited to a Buffet Lunch on Saturday 19th January 2013 (12.30 for 1pm) at St. John's Church Hall, Danbury, Essex. If you intend coming please email either Sheila Ely or Lynn Cohen no later than 9th January as Sheila and Lynn are handling the catering and need to know in advance the numbers involved.
Although there is no charge, donations on the day would be very much appreciated to cover the cost of food and hire of the hall. More news soon regarding progress of the three heritage carriages.
Norman Willsher EAST Newsletter and Web Page Editor